Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hanoi: Day one

Here is the first post from Hanoi. Im going to post the first few here, and also at this other adventure blog, which i expect everyone to check, and link to. Thank you.

That link is www.robbiereaves.blogspot.com

Survived the flight. It really wasnt so bad, because i ate a bunch of linas pot muffins yesterday. Because of this i was ready to pass the fuck out before setting foot on the plane. Scored a window seat, was set to pass out when a dinner cart started coming around at like 2:00 AM. I have vague memorys of eating some kind of pasta dish while occasionally glancing at this human being of a troll doll sitting next to me. She wasn't really a troll, but she was so awkward that she made me totally uncomfortable. Glasses and this dumb little fishnet hat on her head that some terrible aunt would slap on you. I feel bad for talking shit, but she was just shifting around and sending me awkward waves. Anyways i spent most of the night alseep, occasionally waking to glimpses of 27 dresses and some kind of bill gates documentary.


Woke up about 1:30 PM PST somewhere over japan. The stewardesses fed me another terrible meal. Later a cart full of cartons of cigarettes came around. At this point i have been holding in a lot of farts from the meals and they keep coming and i cant bear to let them out. I dont know why. I just cant do it. Im at this point getting a headache from not being able unleash all these farts on the trollie, and i want to so bad.

Where kings smoke

About 4:15 PST i arrive in Taipei, which is in taiwan i think. I dont really know i was just in the airport. I wandered around and discovered a futuristic invention called a smoking lounge. It seems to have come straight from outerspace/ da club, and exists to allow people to smoke in a helllllaa chill setting. I met a nigerian man named Moka, who is working as a chemist in Chicago, and travelling to the phillipines. Oh the connections you make through smoking. We talked about dunhills and travelling for a while and then i hit the dusty trail.

I arrived in Hanoi a few hours ago. The first thing that hit me was the heat. Like sepping into a room that someone just showered into. Zero other westerners around. Dust is convering everything, this literally is the dusty trail. I thought this was supposed to be one of the bigger citys? Whatever.

Some Australians were supposed to pick me up and take me to the hostle. But i couldnt find them among the mass of signs and people waiving things at me. Took some random cab and had the guy drop me off in the center of the city, because i am a fucking idiot and didnt write down the address of the place im staying. So ive been wandering around for a few hours, smoking Dunhills, i thought i might try my hand at the smoke free life, but seeing as how fucking insane this place is, and cigarettes only cost about $14 a carton, i dont see any end in sight for my nicotine haze. Oh also i knew there were a lot of scooters around this place. but what the fuck. i was not prepped for what ive been witnessing. This is scooter city and im about to hop aboard.

-Robbie out.

PS. Here is a guy in the internet cafe with me probably kicking grant and johns ass at world of warcraft. Sorry, just business dogs.

business dog busses are big business in vietnam.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

evening of sweet dreams

Environmental mischief at fecal face.com - Ryan McLennan interview.

Upon the beach where hound dogs bay

Random Wikipedia Article of the day:

Queue area

"Queue areas are places in which people in line (first-come, first-served) wait for goods or services."

"Since queuing can be a boring and time-consuming activity, but one that may also have high stakes (e.g. attempting to purchase a good or product with a limited availability, such as a concert ticket), people can become angry when the unwritten rules of queuing are broken.

For example, in Britain it is unacceptable to queue-jump (to push in, skip, or cut in line), although it's sometimes acceptable for one member of a party, waiting in the queue, to allow a second member of the party to join the first halfway through the queuing process, without the second member having to join the back of the queue.

In the United States, the above example from Britain (second member of a party) would also generally be accepted. It is acceptable for waiting persons to leave the queue briefly (to use the bathroom, etc.) and return to their original place, without having to ask neighbours to hold their place or to be allowed to return (however, many individuals would still tell their neighbors in the queue). It is also common to allow others to jump to the front of the queue in a train station to buy a ticket if their train is about to leave and if waiting from the back of the queue would cause them to miss their train."

Cutting (in line)

"Cutting in line, also known as line/queue jumping, butting, budging, skipping, ditching, breaking, or pushing in (UK) is the act of entering a line or queue at any position other than the end.

A negative response from the rear of the line is expected when someone has cut in line up ahead. According to one study, a person cutting in line has a 54% chance that others in the line will object. With two people cutting in line, there is a 91.3% chance that someone will object. The proportion of people objecting from behind the cutter is 73.3%, with the person directly behind the point of intrusion objecting most frequently.

In lieu of following the procedure mentioned above, some will cut in line by joining up with family members or friends already standing in line. This action is usually more acceptable, but can still be considered "cutting". Many times, this action is purely out of convenience, when one member of the group "saves a place" for the other members, especially when the wait is lengthy. However, this is not always the case. It is more acceptable when the two people are simply together to conduct one transaction, however if both people plan to conduct one transaction each, it is particularly disrespectful (especially in queues with slow cycle times due to high individual transaction times).

In busy areas where time is of the essence, such as in airports, one can sometimes observe queue drift, where an impatient person treats the line as though it were a slow-moving race, using every movement of the line to cut in front of others in an effort to achieve the pole position. This is enabled by a funnel effect, where there is a large number of people trying to enter the same narrow entrance at the same time and where no formal queue is in place. Queue drifters are usually less obvious than more overt line cutters; while they are annoying to those who notice them, they usually manage to avoid detection.

Friday, May 23, 2008

I think movie reviews might be getting more generic

This graph I made says it all.

indian mextravaganza!

natives are pretty sick.

too bad i'm probably mexican.

fuck that, have you seen silverhawk?

that's not silverhawk.

i like this. a lot. enough to put on my myspace.

i got shit to do.


old sketchbook

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


while we're on the subject...

everybody pitch in to get this for john?
thank you and scare that bitch naked.

best ever

This made it into a list of the worlds worst tattoos. However it seems to be one of the best ive ever seen.

other gems may be seen here

patrick stewart moment


indiana jones tomorrow night.


Melanie Safka circa 1970 is gonna GET IT.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Take the time to visit waybackmachine.org..... With this machine, you can find anything that has been on the internet ever! Nothing on the internet can be deleted once it is put on there. It simply goes somewhere else that is hidden away like big foots in the woods. This post has been inspired by Sean's bulletin on myspace. I was gonna put some of his old discordantshipwreck.blogspot.com stuff up on my blog, but the internet is going super slow right now and I thought he would most likely be mad about something like that? If wayback machine isn't working try archive.org.. "Got them keys I can unlock ya.."

apparently monkeys are killin bush babies for meat


let me sleep

why are human beings inclined to watch tv? more importantly, why am i inherently obliged to watch bad tv?

two hours of stargate. the first hour being some underwater, queen of atlantis bullshit and the latter being the classic. vanilla. same imbecility, only this time they're above sea level. in the past, i had always assumed these shows would suck. however, upon closer inspection, it occurred to me that they're fucking terrible. but who am i to knock the gates? the last [arguably] creative parcel to listlessly pass through the predominately and innately vacant chamber that houses my increasingly useless brain, hinted at the notion of an artsy (black and white) porn. to be shot with a 16mm, spring-wound camera and titled there will be boners. fortunately, the so-called idea has failed to gestate beyond the conceptual phase. speaking of boners, i watched pta's latest last night and was thoroughly intrigued / enthralled / inspired / entertained / psyched. i don't know anything about film, but there will be blood was fuckin' dope. and powerful. and old news.

the sci-fi channel has no business airing anything but the x-files, exclusively.

i think she is pretty. don't we all.

infect those B-cells naked bitch.

Infectious mononucleosis, also known as kissing disease, Pfeiffer's disease, Mono (in North America) and more commonly known as glandular fever in other English-speaking countries. It occurs most commonly in adolescents and young adults, where it is characterized by fever, sore throat, muscle soreness, and fatigue. Infectious Mononucleosis typically produces a very mild illness in small children, but is usually asymptomatic.

Bianca's copped that.

i don't know why im still in oaklyn watching pennywise music videos with john but im having the greatest time of my life.

im going to live forever.

god dies too

let's suppose sleep is the trailer for death.

upon this train of thought, one could equate our last breaths with the feature presentation.

and if death is a movie, who's running concessions?

someone direct my shit.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

guess what me and james just found out

robbie is a communist

just because she made such a big deal about it

im gonna tell you that bianca fucked mike thompson and clint knew

take the dope out of the man and what have you got?

a nice head of hair and a decent pair of walking boots.

for 3.50 an old japanese man will make you drunk.

jokes over robot.

biancas still gullible and hasn't grown up. will not grow up. cannot grow up.

scare the bitch naked.

welcome to your summer of hell.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

that great blow job in the sky

boomp3.com history gave you a blowjob

oh what the fuck is up?!?!?!

I hope everyone is having fun since our last encounter? I hope that everything can be resolved? Dang! Between marijuana smoke and babes a boy can get very confused. Thinking about life and what's good and what's not good. These types of things can be very confusing and not beneficiary to what may or may not be mischief. I remember when partying was like being inside the mind of Billy Madison and not being inside the mind of, well, anyone that I was around tonight. I just figured out that I hate every single human and the sooner the better on that great big delivery of chicken sandwiches. The big outer space blow job! please let me be here when the world endz! Thank You God!

Friday, May 16, 2008

ursus maritimus

"in a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear."

down with humanity. save the p-bears!

or fuck it -- we're all dead in another four years anyway.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Supernatural Showdown!

Oh! Whaz up boys and girls? I hope everyone is privy to what is going on on the internet right now cause it's about as crazy as the madison bear on a thursday night! Imagine twenty retards just hanging out playing hopscotch and like jumprope and shit like that. Can you even begin to think about a world without polar bears? It was 97 degrees today and I'm sure it will be a lot hotter than that for a lot of us humans at some point. "My bad!" ..... "It's all good though!"... don't even trip!